Our mission is to decolonize spirituality by providing a hub for spiritual seekers from Diverse Religious And Non-Religious Backgrounds. We foster spiritual development and holistic health through coaching, Energy healing and community Engagement, all while encouraging individuality and embracing religious diversity and pluralism.
We work with individuals, groups, and organizations to spark conversations, fan the flames of curiosity, and encourage spiritual growth free from shame and disrespect. Our philosophy is rooted in the belief that the Spirit of Truth is present within each living being, and that all pathways lead to truth. Founded by Kayla Beard in 2024, The Harmonic Spirit was created to serve as a safe harbor for spiritual explorers to dock among like-minded vessels, release religious trauma, and swap tales of wisdom and woe. Since its founding, our mission has evolved to include interfaith cooperation as vital pillar in our community-building efforts.
Our Core values:
Respect: Respect and tolerance for all members despite differences is the #1 core value for The Harmonic Spirit.
Wellness: Holistic wellness is a top priority for The Harmonic Spirit. We encourage spiritual, psychological and physical wellness as a necessary triad for overall human health.
Pluralism: We respect and welcome people from diverse cultural, religious and geographic backgrounds and encourage interfaith cooperation and engagement. No matter the language a person speaks nor the name and number of their God(s), anyone is welcome into The Harmonic Spirit community as long as they bring an open and accepting heart.
Rest: All things must rest. Sleep is a critical aspect of human wellness and, similarly, stillness is a key aspect in the health of any system, including The Harmonic Spirit as an organization. We pride ourselves on prioritizing the wellness of our members and employees, which includes intentionally incorporating stillness into our operations.
Service: The Harmonic Spirit exists to be of service to its members. The Harmonic Spirit is a vehicle intended to harbor the spiritual families, communities and individuals who seek a deeper connection to their higher power while avoiding the exclusionary practices of some traditional religious structures.